Betsy Wolf

Norma Dorman
Family, friends, and food combined make a wonderful recipe for fun in the kitchen! We have been sharing parenting tips and recipes for more than twenty years as we each raised our four children. We cooked together for holidays, life cycle events, and school activities, always saying to each other that we should open a catering business. Life was busy with work and raising children, but the dream was always in the background. In March 2020, all of our grown children came back home to be in the safe confines of our homes as the world went into lockdown. We were back to cooking for a whole house again and grateful for the family time. We tried out new recipes, had new helpers in the kitchen, and our love for cooking came back with a passion. If 2020 taught us anything, it was to seize the day and follow our dreams. So here we are, launching our catering business. Catering is our silver lining, and we cannot wait to cook for you!

We can cook just about anything you want. We are known for our traditional comfort food served through the ages. From our old family recipes, which bring up heartfelt memories, to healthier cuisine, we learned from each other and our children. We are trying to hold on to and share oldies but goodies while recreating memories of our own. We mix things up a bit and incorporate what is old with the new healthier options. We hope to share our recipes and tutorials online with you and your friends. We taught a how-to class for a young ladies' wedding shower. We would love to cater to family events in smaller sizes. We are here to enhance your secular and Jewish holidays, Shabbat, Shiva, elderly family members that are on their own, and anything else. Please don't hesitate to call or email us with your questions.